The year is 1967 and the brothers are posed in the drive of Joseph Piszczor (Pezar) in New Salem PA. Another 14 years have passed since the last brother group picture and this time the reason that brought everyone together is one on a sad note. The event is the passing and burial of their father, Andrew Piszczor, Sr., who died at the age of 80. So many members of the family showed that many of us were put up in the homes of neighbors for a few nights. This also meant the cleaning up and preparing the farm for sale outside the family.
(For those keeping score, from left to right: Walter Sr., Michael Sr., Jesse Sr., Andrew Jr., Joseph and John Piszczor)
Andrew Piszczor Sr. & Anna Szczypta - Anna passed away in 1962 just shy of her 83rd birthday. You already know what happened to Andrew Sr., he lived on the farm until his death with occasional visits to church and the Slovak Club.
John Piszczor - John's wife Ann Slosar passed away in 1957 in Cleveland area. By this time John left photography and had started his Real Estate business, building homes through out the south Cleveland suburbs. In 1959 he remarried in Cleveland to Amelia Bruscino.
Joseph Piszczor - Joe had worked his way up the union leadership ladder and was the local Mine Workers Union President. He and Helen had four grandsons now; three from Donald and Mary Ann (Donald (Dj), James and Steven) and one from Bernard and Martha (Bernard).
Andrew Piszczor Jr. - Andy and Helen moved to East Cleveland after he retired from coal mining and went to work for General Electric. They also had a granddaughter, Sabrina Sue Migyanko, from Betty Lou and Charles Migyanko.
Jesse (Hyacinth)Piszczor Sr. - Jesse and Josephine still lived in Cleveland. He had worked at the Old Mill Tavern with his brother Michael for years but recently started working at White Motors along with his brother Walter and his nephew Donald. They finally had a son, Jesse, Jr, in 1954 and a by this time Carol and David Latham gave them a granddaughter, Michelle Latham.
Michael Piszczor Sr. - Mike and Julia also continued to live in Cleveland. Mike now owned and operated the Old Mill Tavern. In 1956 they had a son, Micheal Jr., born in 1956 and a daughter, Barbara Ann, in 1958.
Francis Piszczor - Frank passed away in Painesville after battling cancer in 1958. Monica continued to live in Painesville with her daughters. She remarried in 1964 to John Lannen and moved to southern California. By this time there was one new granddaughter in her family, Charmain, form Paulette and Bernard Bullock.
Walter Piszczor Sr. - Walter stayed in Cleveland and married Margret Patrick in 1954. Between the 45th Anniversary in 1953 and 1967 they had five children; Marion (1955), Walter Jr. (1958), Matthew (1959), Marlene (1961)and William (1964). Walter was still working at White Motors.
I'm Evangelina E Szczypta from Argentine I can't belive founding this page!!! My grandfather came from Poland in the 19th century he was Joseph Szczypta, son of Rosaljia Szczypta and Juan Szczypta. I'm looking for realiteves since 2000!!! this is unbelievable!!! We are in Argentine around 10 Szczyptas
Well I was talking to my father yesterday and we could put together some more things,and correct other information My great grandfather's name was Alexander Szczypta married to Rosalja Szczypta they lived in Nowy Targ Wroblonka Matopolski (the name cames from the ID of my grandfather I don't know the meaning). They had we think 5 or 6 children I know some names just, Anna, Ian and Joseph or Jozef that was my grandfather, we know an important detail, aone of my grandafther's brother kill himself. all of them were farmers, my grandfather was born in 1905 and came to Argentine in 1930, one of my granfather's sister, Anna, went to live to Canada.
Please somebody answer me!
Evangelina! Hello, this is Jess! I lost your Email some time ago when I had to switch my own Email accounts. How are you? Would love to get in touch with you again. Had a lot of things happen in the past few years and glad to say I'm still about! Look forward to hearing from you soon!
IOh yes, I remember now!, I didn't know for sure but your name sounds to me, I haven't got a very good memory, can you tell me if we had obteined some information together.Eva
hello I'm waiting for some information Would you like to give me your personal e-mail?
Nice dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.
Good dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.
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